Catholic Church abuse stems from religious abuse and it encompasses the abusive behavior of the church leaders and religious officials towards their followers. Full stretch of safety of every individual in the community should be the places of worship must protect. However, this does not apply for everyone and statistics say the highest number of assaults have been reported in the Roman Catholic Church. Unfortunately, some of these leaders use their power to sexually, physically and psychologically abuse children and weak adults. They, in fact, leverage their status, trust, and influence they have gained from the congregation, and the public, which makes it difficult for the victims to come forward with their stories.
As the figures of power in churches and wider society, for children and the vulnerable adults to come forward and report what happened were very difficult and, in the rare cases that this happened, often, they were not believed. Thanks to public inquest hearings and criminal trials undertaken, more victims have felt like they could say(report) publicly about what they suffered.
Do You Present a Lack of Respect for The Rules and Property-Destroying Message That Will Connect to The Roman Catholic Church?
The Catholic Church is meant to be a place of safe space and refuge for its members. If you’ve been sexually abused by a priest or someone else who works within the Catholic Church, and the abuse even happened when you were a child, it is up to you to seek retribution as the abuse was a criminal offense, and you have the right to pursue compensation for the injustice done to you. Like the case of personal injuries, if you were injured because you were mishandled by a company employee or its equipment, you are definitely entitled to compensation for suffering.
If you or any family member have been subjected to abuse within the Catholic Church, disregarding the time of such, you ought to reach out to a knowledgeable lawyer that is a specialist in representing victims and survivors of abuse as soon as you feel comfortable talking about it. When you are prepared to be seen or to be listened, we are here to be seen or to listen.
What Choice Do You Have, If as A Victim of The Sexual Harassment by An Ordained Catholic Priest? Do You Need Professional Help?
If any priest sexually abuses you as a Catholic, you ought to report the matter to the police to allow them gather crucial factual and circumstantial answers. I shall first consult a particular lawyer who handles cases of abuse in the Catholic Church to claim for compensation. In addition, on top of demanding remuneration for the unwarranted trauma you have suffered, they may also want private treatment and support in securing a fair deal. The lawyers at Lee Law firm are aware that discussing such traumatic incidents might go against the grain, but we will be there with you all the time providing you with the support and counsel that you may need.
How Do You Verify That a Lawyer or A Law Firm Has the Qualification and Specialization to Represent Victims and Survivors of Abuse?
Get legal help in abuse law is a very complicated area of law and you have to choose a law firm with the relevant expertise on your side. We are a law firm which has over the years acted on behalf of hundreds of victims and survivors of abuse within the Catholic Church and we, at our established offices nationwide, provide dedicated specialists in England, Scotland and Wales with the knowledge and experience required to provide our clients with the justice they deserve. With us, you’ve experienced some most known cases in recent years, and what make us stand out is not only settling claims and getting you justice, but also make medical and emotional support programs you may need in your future to move forward. The amount of fees which would be charged for the claim is indeed quite ambiguous.
The Criminal Defense Lawyers at Lee Law Firm provide free, confidential advice on your case, and the information is shared for further evaluation. If you decide that you want to file the claim, there are various claim claims support places where you can find help. Due to this, we can get fund guarantee and somebody is willing to facilitate this regardless of a result. However, if you & your loved one is suffering abuse within the Catholic Church, you can speak to one of our competent team members online via call. We’ll take care of your case with the respect or by focusing on the all aspects related to it.